D-Fence customership ending is planned disconnect process, as described in the process description (link below) in accordance with. Termination is always done in by email either from;

a) the Service Partner
b) the Customer’s part

to info@d-fence.eu. Once we have received the notice begins the process of disconnection and the customer is deleted from the contract and invoicing system.

The notice period of the service is due by to the order confirmation or D-Fence services ”terms of service”, ”in accordance with 12 months or less lasting customer relationships 1 month, more than 12 months customer relationships for 6 months.


In addition to the invoicing continues by D-Fence Oy by until the notice reaches the above guidelines. Retroactive credit is not possible to retrieve.

Please note:

PartnerAdmin – management by joining the changes do not go to the invoicing. Therefore, all invoicing related matters must be specifically emailed to info (a) d-fence.eu