All companies continuously face various kinds of cyber threats, which are fought using different kinds of filtering and protection mechanisms. Companies choose solutions that seem the most suitable for them at the time. Choices are made based on different criteria that vary depending on the current needs.

The most common selection criteria are: the information security perspective, the business dynamics perspective or the purchase price perspective.

Filtering and preventing unwanted traffic

The most common solution for preventing unwanted traffic is the so-called ”Inbox – Spambox” solution: it consists of a filter dividing incoming email into the ”Inbox” and ”Spambox” (or quarantine) folders, which are ultimately controlled by the end users.

What kinds of challenges does the ”Inbox – Spambox” solution pose to a company?

This method creates two direct threats to the company and its information security:

1. Final responsibility of the treatment of cyber threats is at least partly transferred to the end user. What kinds of challenges regarding information security and risk management can this cause for the company?

2. The ”besetting sin” of these filtering solutions is the so-called false positive, meaning that non-spam emails end up in the spambox. What kinds of threats can these missing emails cause for the company?

The treatment of cyber threats also causes a company direct costs in the form of wasted work time. Based on a calculation from average wages, even 1 minute of extra daily work can cost to the company easily about 5,00 € / employee / month. How mucn in your company, please use the cost calculator »

What is the goal of information security solutions in your company?

Has information security been integrated as a part of the company’s strategy? Has a pre-emptive model been chosen or are solutions purchased based on any immediate needs?

Does the company currently have or possibly have in the future any customers with potential contractual requirements for e.g. information security for email messages (how information is transferred, who has access to it, how is the transfer protected and how all of this is documented if such is required for e.g. auditing)?

Business can be considered one of these goals; chosen information security solutions should be as dynamic as possible as well as improve business and the company’s competitiveness. This should be cost-effective without compromising on security.

In the optimal situation, a company can turn information security into a competitive advantage; in meetings with customers, the company can bring out its strategy for information security and thus distinguish itself from its competitors. Chosen information security solutions have many kinds of direct and indirect effects.

D-Fence rises to the challenge: ISO 9001 certified eSec Service

The D-Fence Email Security service is designed for company use and responds to the challenge of the constantly changing threat environment; it enhances the level of information security as a whole, improves competitiveness and is cost-effective with regard to its overall costs.

The features of the D-Fence Email Security service differ significantly from the most common filter solution in the market, the ”Inbox – Spambox” filter. D-Fence solves the problem instead of transferring it to the end user interface.

The end user receives wanted emails and wanted traffic is completely prevented. The end result is based on the unique combination of technologies used by D-Fence as well as an active concept of customer service.

This feature both enhances information security and completely eliminates operating costs. Because of this, D-Fence is both the highest quality solution as well as the most cost-effective solution in the market. Continuous research and development of the software ensures that this will also be the case in the future.

D-Fence – Makes sense!