Jippii!! Sain sähköpostiviestin, jossa kerrottiin minun voittaneen 850 000 euroa sähköpostiosoite- lotossa. Voi tätä ilon ja onnen päivää!! No, mikäpä siinä, kenelläpä ei olisi tarvetta muutamalle ylimääräiselle sadalletuhannelle…
This email is to notify you that your Email
Address attached to a Ticket Number(106012) has won an Award Sum of
850,000.00Euro (Eight hundred and fifty thousand euro only ) In an
Email Sweepstakes program held on the 3RD of January 2008.
contact the claim officer through the below given contact information
for the Claim
Mr. :Robert Jones
Contact Email :
Contact Telephone: +31-630-237-801
Ref Number(42261)
Serial Number 76087
Batch Number EU85011
please quote your winning
information mentioned above to the Claim Agent in your response
Mrs Pamela Baker
Posti on lähetetty kylmästi ilmaisosoitteesta, eli kovin ammattimaiselta ei tämä veijari tunnu. Vastaan ylläolevaan viestiin, jonka jälkeen sain seuraavanlaisen viestin:
This is to acknowledge the receipt of your mail. After due verification exercise ,We are pleased to inform you that you have been certified/ cleared to receive your winning prize .
Upon this certification that you are eligible to claim your winning you are hereby advise to fill-out the attached claim form and resend back to us by email attachment or by fax.
The form should be properly filled because it will be screened of discrepancies a file will be opened for you by our legal department upon certification that? the information provided in your duly filled form are true and correct
We deem it absolutely necessary to let you know that you will be require to come to Amsterdam to legalise your file yourself or we appoint an Attorney to act on your behalf . Please note that without your file being legalised , we will not be able get a clearance certificate that will empower the paying Bank to pay out the winning.This is in accordance with the Netherlands Gaming Board Control regulations
Please states clearly in your response if you want to come to Amsterdam yourself so we can give you official appointment to sign the final release documents or the appointed Attorney to act fully on your behalf .
Please state clearly the option you have chosen
Again Congratulations
Linda B
Ylläolevan viestin liitteenä on word- dokumentti, jota oli hieman hankala koneella täyttää mutta onnistuttuani siinä tulostin sen, allekirjoitin ja laitoin faksilla menemään. Kohta olen rrrikas… ostaisiko ensin auton ja sitten vasta asunnon? Vai toisinpäin? Vai lähtisinkö sapattivuodelle maailmaa kiertämään?
Faksiani seuraa tällainen sähköposti. Nyt päästiin asiaan!
Attn; jukka pekka oksanen
This is to confirm the receipt of your fax . Firstly , We like to reasure that this whole exercise is not a hoax, This program is held eletronically with eletronic web-site visitor that picked your email address as one of the winners , Secondly , It is a periodical program here in Holland .
We got the claim form , However , We like to remind you that we have be given a stapulated period of one week to conclude all processes , therefore we have fixed friday 12-1 -2008 for you to be in Amsterdam to legalise your file yourself in company of a lawyer from our legal Department.
Please you are required to come along with the following ,
1) A valid Identification proof bearing your name , date of Birth and country of origin ,
2) You are to comealong with the legalisation fee of 550 euro which you will need to pay yourself at the Netherlands Belastinig office (Tax ofiice) and you will obtain an official receipt and Authorisation letter that you will need to submit to the paying Bank to enable them release your winning .
Please note that this legalisation process will takes three working days
3) You are advise to send us your flight schedule to enable us send our protocol officer to wait for you at the Airport and bring you to our office on that date.
4) Please , Note that , If you cannot come on this date given above , We might not be able to schedule another appointment because of the deadline given by the sponsors of this program to conclude all process .
Therefore you may have to send all the requirement mentioned above to enable our legal depatment act on your behalf , therefore you will be require to send us your Banking details or if you wish to send it to the paying Bank that will contact you are soon as they have your file from the Attorney
Finally , Incase you are not able to come on this date , You are to send the required fee by WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER to the name of our account officer stated below .
Family Name: Henry
Given Name; Layo
Destination; Amsterdam – Holland
You are require to send by fax or email attachment the payment receipt and thereafter the paying Bank will contact you for your account details , please be aware that this fee cannot be deducted from your winning because of the insurance boned on it.
We also like to let you know that you can also transfer your winning in on-line Baking from your home to your account provided the Bank Here gives you the trasfer code as soon as they have your legalised file .
We do hope you understand our position.
Sincerely yours
Linda B
Ilmoittavat heti että kyse ei ole huijauksesta. Huh, minä jo hiukan epäilin mutta nyt kivi vierähti sydämmeltäni… Minun siis pitäisi varustautua henkilötodistuksella, lähteä Hollantiin kolmeksi päiväksi ja varata mukaan 550 euroa joka maksetaan Hollannin verotoimistolle. Lisäksi minun tulisi toimittaa lentoaikatauluni jotta he voivat lähettää virkailijan minua vastaan Amsterdamin lentokentälle. Näen mielessäni itseni kentällä… on se hienoa tulla koneesta kun uniformupukuinen autonkuljettaja odottaa kentällä kyltin kanssa. Palvelu pelaa!
Ja mikä parasta, jos en ehtisikään näin lyhyellä aikavälillä Amsterdamiin niin ei huolta: voin kätevästi maksaa tuon 550 euroa myös Western Unionin kautta herralle nimeltä Henry Layo. Sitten voisin siirtää voittoni nettipankissa vaikka omalle tililleni. Huomioitavaa on se, että kyseistä kulua ei voi vähentää voitostani, vaan se tulee maksaa ensin jotta voitto sitten voidaan toimittaa.
Hmmm… taidanpa vastata, että juuri nyt ei ole käteistä. Katsotaan miten prosessi jatkuu.
Attn; jukka pekka oksanen
Sorry it is not possible take out the fee because your winning is insured. We advise you send the fee
and try your best to find the money.
Linda B.
Vastasin lottovorkailijoille että tuollaista 550 euron rahasummaa ei tällä hetkellä löydy. Vastaukseksi tuli ylläoleva lyhyen ytimekäs viesti. Kovin innokkailta eivät nämä tämänkertaiset huijarit tunnu, luulenpa että asian käsittely jäi tällä erää tähän. Kahdesta tutkimastani vedätyksestä tämä oli selkeästi amatöörimäisempi.
Olinkin väärässä, vastaus tuli tällaisena:
We acknowledged the receipt of your email. However, We want to inform you that the requested fee cannot be deducted from your winning because there is an insurance coverage on it stating that winnings most be transferred to the beneficiary in full value . We are not allows to deduct this fee as you requested,
Secondly , Note that this is the only fee you need to pay to enable us legalize your file and without the due legalization process your file will not be accepted from us by the paying Bank , You should be aware that this is the already existing terms from the Netherlands Gaming Board Authority that the consignee client most obliged.
Vastasin että minulla ei ikävä kyllä ole rahaa, mutta minun hyvällä ystävälläni on. Tiedustelin, voisinko ”siirtää” voittoni hänelle, jos hän maksaa tuon maksun 🙂 … Alla vastaus:
Tell your friend to send the fee and you will share your winning with him .
Vastaan allaolevan mailin. Ilmeisesti sillä sähköpostiosoitteella, joka potin voitti ei sitten olekaan niin suurta merkitystä.
Can I transfer my winning straight to my friend? Then he comes over to claim the winning and pays you the fee. One question, can I sell the victory t someone? I maybe have a buyer.
Prosessi jää junnaamaan tässä vaiheessa ja lopetankin tutkimuset tällä erää tähän. Näitä lottohuijauksia löytyy monia erilaisia, tässä alla yhteen honey pottiimme 28.01.2008 tullut voittoilmoitus. Tässä versiossa voittaa rahan lisäksi myös uuden BMW henkilöauton:
khohorstraat122. 1104EA, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
Attention: Winner
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of
US$500,000.00 (Five Hundred United State Dollars) and a new BMW car
from the BMW e-LOTTERY BONANZA International programs held on Wednesday
the 1st of January, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The selection
process was carried out through random selection in our computerized
email selection system (ess) from a database of over 250,000 email
addresses drawn from all the continents of the world, which you were
The BMW e-Lottery is approved by the Netherlands Gaming Board and also
licensed by the The International Association of Gaming Regulators
(IAGR). This promotional lottery is the 3rd of its kind and we intend
to sensitise the public.
To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact our fiduciary
claims department for more information as regards procedures to claim
your prize.
7 Pumenrend 1107Ak
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Mr.John Newton.
Contact him by providing him with your secret pin codeX7PYWM2007 and
your Reference Number BMW:2551256003/23.You are also advised to
provide him with the under listed information’s as soon as possible:
1. Name in full.——————————————————-
2. Address.————————————————————
3. Nationality.————————————————–
4. Age.——————————-
5. Occupation.————————————————–
6. Telephone Number.—————————————————
7. Country.———————————————–
8. Short comment on our products. [Optional].- ————————
9. Fax. ————————————————
10. Email address. ——————————————–
Please you are to provide him with the above listed details as soon as
possible so he can begin with the processing of your prize winnings.
Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you for being part
of our promotional program.
D-Fence pysäyttää roskapostin ja varmistaa oikean postin saapumisen.