Microsoft itse erikseen mainitsee yhteensopivuudesta kaikkiin 3.nnne osapuolen turvaratkaisuihin:
Q. Can I use a third-party anti-spam and anti-malware provider in conjunction with Exchange Online?
A. Yes, you may configure another spam and malware filtering service to protect your Exchange Online mailboxes. To do this for inbound mail, you should redirect your email messages to the third-party provider by changing your MX records to point to the third-party provider, and then redirect the messages to EOP for additional processing.
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O365 tuki
Satyakam Sinha
Support Engineer | Microsoft Partner Cloud Support for Office 365 | v-saty1(a)
Working Hours: 8:00 AM- 5:30 PM (GMT) | Monday to Friday
Claudiu-Andrei Anghelescu
Support Engineer LOB: Exchange
My working hours: Monday – Friday (10:00 AM EEST – 5:00 PM EEST)
My Technical Lead : Luis Liborio | Email : luis.liborio(a)
My Team Manager : Andrei Stanciu | Email : v-9ansta(a)
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