We confirm to you D-Fence eSec email security security service with the following information:
D-Fence Security Email Security Service
The service includes features:
- The multi-layer anti-virus
- spam protection
- intrusion Prevention
- continuity
- traffic Encryption
- active customer service
These advanced technology based services revolve around the whole D-Fence -service concept
Service fee:
xx.xx per month.
VAT excluded .
The service fee includes the maintenance of services, monthly reporting, adjusting the services and service-related helpdesk. Calculation is based on xx active mailbox.
Terms and Conditions
The service fee is charged on a monthly basis after the delivery of services.Please see http://www.d-fence.fi/serviceterms for further details.
Risk Management Plan
Please update your risk management plan information on the protection of email here: http://www.d-fence.fi/competetiveness
Service Provider
D -Fence
Kalevankatu 28 B , 00100 Helsinki, Finland
info (a ) of d- fence.eu
Vat No : 1650666-3
D-Fence ESEC service benefits
- Higher security level
- Better effectivity
- Total cost savings